Protecting Children’s Privacy Online Without Disruption!

By Dr. Chris Pierson

Protecting Children’s Privacy Online Without Disruption!

It is estimated that, for the past decade, over 90% of American children have had an online presence by the age of two. Often referred to as digital natives, today’s adolescents and teenagers have grown up with a smartphone in one hand, a gaming console controller in the other, and a voice activated smart speaker within a stones throw.

The ubiquity of connectivity is the primary reason why protecting children’s privacy online is an urgent priority among parents, guardians, politicians, and teachers alike. Fears over online fraud, identity theft, internet scams, and cyberbullying, among other threats, are now so top of mind that President Biden even directly appealed to Congress to legislate greater children’s privacy protections during February’s State of the Union.

Today, the dark web is increasingly saturated with personal data tied to children. The availability of confidential information has led to over 1 million cases of identity theft tied to children annually, costing roughly $3 billion to properly remediate. These are simply the reported incidents: the actual impact is likely more significant.

Identity theft isn’t the only output of privacy incursions. In 2020, online scams tied to social engineering cost teenagees more than $71 million. Further, a study by found that 1 in 5 children ages 10-18 have been a victim of cyberbullying.


Jamie Brion

Jamie Brion

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